François Roche New-Territories (S/he)

The Things which necroses, 2009-2010

François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux, Maxime Aumon-Bemelmans

« Limited time span & biodegradable pavilion + prototype. 

1) Developing a bio-plastic with hydro-soluble polymer from agriculture.
2) Designing a paneling relief, integrating membrane and structure of the building, which could be strategically and slowly ‘’necrosed’’ by the control of the degree of humidity in atmosphere. 
3) Developing the injection mould by CNC machine processing, 5 axes.
4) Adding some mist nozzle to emphasize or reduce this disappearing protocol, as a dimmer system.
5) Adjusting the life span of a temporary building (one floor for the first experiment), from its construction to its melting down. »

New-Territories (S/he)

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