François Roche New-Territories (S/he)

Timidity Symptom, 2012-2014

Architecte : New-Territories / M4 - Equipe créative : François Roche, Camille Lacadee, Cyril Lami, Jeep P. Narongthanarath - Avec Devin Jernigan, Tiziano Derme, Myrtille Fakhreddine , Vongsawat Wongkijjalerd, Ip Panit, Patrick Mc Kechnie, Katrin Hochsch

« Installation à la Biennale : Nicolas Grawitz et Iris Godbille
Associés Design et Ingénieurie : Ezio Blasetti_Architecte _Processus mathématique / Andrew  Snalune_Ingénieur façade / Sakkarn Sirisrisak_ Ingénieur métal / Sanitas Studio_ Architecte paysagiste

Design of a museum

1) Recognition of the situation / the family of the owner got its wealthy situation from a phyto-therapy drug research of the Grant Father, with development and fabrication from the trees in the Land.
2) Scanning of 30ties of the largest elements, on three months, to get billions of point a starting point of a 3D cartography.
3) Research by scripts of the negative computation ghost of this forest, to use the void as an emerging strategy. Morphologically embedded or trapped in the negative part of the wood, the black matter is the house of the witches.
4) Development of allelopathic intricate components with Velcro-like attachment, to create the repulsing forces (crown shy effects) between photosynthesis and artificial matter, between the existing nature and the architecture alien, as a dispute, of conflict of chemistry of pheromone behavior (see below).
5) Museum as a result of this timidity approach, including domestic curating strategies as the prolongation of the intimacy of the owner, the art collector spaces as multiple meander of curiosity cabinet and only one white cube, it’s enough to play for international standard.
6) Proposal to drive the evolution of the collection in a timidity symptom amateurism.

ALLELOPATHY/PHYTOHORMONE / suffer from each other> Active or passive effect of chemicals released into the environment which influences other organisms. We include in the bio-plastic of 15000 Components some D.E.P. / diethyl phthalate (a member of the group of phthalic acid esters known as phthalates). D.E.P.  belongs to the low molecular weight (lmw) group with a molecular weight of <250 dalton and comparatively low viscosity and high volatility. it has a faint disagreeable odor and can be transferred from the plastics that contains it, creating a pheromonalallelopathy between the museum and the jungle, to keep them at distance from each other (around 0.9 meter), in a dynamic antagonism. »

New-Territories (S/he)

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