Claude Parent

CES, La Ciotat, 1977-1980

Situated in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, this school is an industrialized program like the Vincent d'Indy School in Paris (1986-1991). Assisted by the color consultant Alexandra Cot (who also took care of compliance with the regulatory 1% of construction budget for artworks), Claude Parent attempted to create astonishment inside a standardized structure over a total surface area of 9 251 m². The square plan of the school is comprised of four rectangular buildings (administration, general education, scientific education and laboratory training), presenting an alternating long and short façade on the exterior. To enclose this layout and enable communication between the four wings, the architect placed four footbridges on two levels decorated with protruding virtually opaque elements. Each side of the interior courtyard thus formed is differentiated by the bright colors of its linking elements.

Audrey Jeanroy

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