Pascal Häusermann

Architect (1936 - 2011)

A pioneer in the renewal of the architectural and urbanist forms of the 1960s, Pascal Häusermann has advocated modularity in architecture and the free expression of the individual for over fifty years. In 1958, Häusermann was the first architect to develop the technical concept of a house built in concrete sprayed onto a metallic framework. This very flexible technique freed the concrete from its wall panels and fostered the creation of highly varied shapes: simple or double cylindrical curve, spherical, hyperbolic. This process became the best means of expression for architecture-sculpture. From the early 1960s, Häusermann employed his technique to the construction of assemblages of prefabricated plastic shells and pods of egg-shaped architecture (Domobiles), ushering in the modular conception of the dwelling through highly advanced architectonic research. An advocate of the greater involvement of occupants in the design and development of their built environment, over the 1960s and 70s Häusermann built many buildings in France and Switzerland utilizing his concrete veil technique: houses (Grilly, Minziers, etc.), a restaurant (le Balcon de Belledonne, with Claude Häusermann-Costy), a general hospital in Geneva, until new legislation on building permits brought his production to a halt in the 1970s.

A multi-talented creator and musician, Pascal Häusermann was born in Switzerland in 1936. A graduate in architecture from the University of Geneva in 1962, in 1966 he joined the GIAP (Groupe International d'Architecture Prospective) founded in 1965 by Michel Ragon. Here he was in frequent contact with, among others, Ionel Schein, Yona Friedman and Paul Maymont. A fervent advocate of the free will of the individual in construction, he and his friends Chanéac and Antti Lovag founded the “Habitat Evolutif” association in 1971. The craftsman in charge of the restoration of Le Corbusier’s Immeuble Clarté in Geneva, Pascal Häusermann continued his experimentation with architecture (between Switzerland and Madras in India) until his passing in 2011.

Pavillon de week-end expérimental, Grilly 1959-1960
Cellules plastiques 1960-1971
Maisons Spatiales Novery 1965-1969
Balcon de Belledonne 1966
Projet pour le centre de loisirs de Tekki 1966-1967
Villa Barreau 1966-1971
Projet Maison Coquillage 1967
Résidence de M. Ginet 1968-1970
Théâtre mobile 1968-1971
Construction spatiale, concours construction et humanisme, Cannes 1970
Hôtel à Warl de Lomé (Togo) 1970-1971
Domobiles 1971-1973
Église à Mulhouse 1971
Habitat Bérard 1972-1976
Habitat Denis 1972
Projets pour la Ville de Douvaine 1972-1977
Habitat Mousset 1974-1976
Voir tous les projets
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